Friday, December 02, 2005

sorry ryan!

Ryan, I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to post this! We went out to Round Robin for dinner and I got home late! Ben had a great practice and I think that these drills and some he was working on with Dan Sheets have really made his stroke click. Ben, if you read this, maybe you'd want to tell them about yesterday.
Here's what we did. We did about a 30 minute dryland before getting into the pool. It was a circuit of stuff that Mary Ann does - including squats, pike ups, push ups, and superman. Our goal for the rest of the season is not to focus on how long our practices are (yardage wise) but to focus on how we're doing each yard. So, we're going to be doing a lot more drilling and working hard to get people to workout mentally in addition to their physical work out. OK, enough rambling. Here's what we did last night:

The Practice for Dec. 1

500 s – 400IM – 300 kick – 200 pull – 100s

12 x 25 kicking on your back, side, and front to work on feeling where your body naturally floats (not really hard kicking, just what feels natural) this works on balance

3 x 3 x 250 stroke with 100 easy between each set of three

Jamie 3:35 3:30 3:25
Ben 3:30 3:25 3:20
Molly(200s) and Lindsey 3:25 3:20 3:15
Trey (br) 4:20 4:15 4:10
Joy (IM) 4:20 4:15 4:10
Ashley (br) (200s) 3:45 3:40 3:35

100 easy

8x25 freestyle finishing drill (breaking apart the freestyle stroke and working on flicking your hand at the end of each stroke - accelerating into the finish and then a natural arm recovery)

500 cool down

Have a great day!


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